Help Get Out the Vote

Grab your friends and help your community by organizing or going to a VoteFest!
VoteFests can be big or small, during early voting or on Election Day.

We believe voting should be social, communal and celebrated.

Simple Ways to VoteFest

Get started with some simple ideas below. Sign up to receive a toolkit and updates on how you can help get out the vote in your community!

Help Your Coworkers & Classmates Vote:

  • Head to the polls after work and meet up for a post-voting mingle.
  • Are you a morning person? Arrange a pre-work “coffee & vote.”
  • Organize a lunchtime carpool to the polls.

Help Your Friends & Family Vote:

  • Make a weekend plan to vote and brunch with friends.
  • Plan to vote and dine. Order dessert to celebrate.
  • Meet up to vote, then go to your favorite sports bar/movie theater. 

Help Your Community Vote:

  • Get your kickball team, running group or martial arts class to vote.
  • Gather your youth group, book club, or fellow gamers and go vote! 
  • Organize a dorm/homeroom competition to get the most voters!