Rock the Vote Statement on President Obama’s Plan for College Affordability
Below is Rock the Vote President Heather Smith’s statement on the President’s plan to help more students afford college.
We applaud the President for his plan to make college more affordable – elevating an issue that so deeply affects the young people of our country and taking the lead on putting forward ideas to improve their lives.
The plan laid out in Buffalo, NY today addresses both the critical concern of making college more affordable for future students and their families, while also helping those current borrowers with overwhelming debt find a way out. This concept of investing in students – as opposed to making money off of students – is imperative for a more successful future and economy for our country.
For nearly a decade, student loans and college affordability have ranked as a top issue of concern for young voters. A long time coming, this moment where ideas to solve the student loan crisis and make college more affordable are being presented by the President, is one that we, and the millions of young people within the Rock the Vote community, celebrate. Young voters have been turning out in greater numbers and putting leaders into office that we believe will be champions on the issues that we care about. We look forward to continuing to elevate the voices of young people as this effort begins.
About Rock the Vote
Rock the Vote is a national non-partisan organization dedicated to engaging young people in our nation’s democracy. For more than two decades, Rock the Vote has used pop culture, technology, and grassroots organizing to register more young people to vote than any other organization or campaign, including more than a million people in the 2012 elections. It is Rock the Vote’s goal to amplify the voices of the 46 million 18-29 year olds in order to make change on the issues they care about.